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St. John's United Church of Christ in Lyons, IL
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St. John's United Church of Christ in Lyons, IL
Sunday Praise Session ... See MoreSee Less
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St. John's United Church of Christ in Lyons, IL
Sunday Worship ... See MoreSee Less
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At St. John’s we are actively trying to learn how to BE the Church of Jesus Christ, not just a church building.

Together we aim to follow the leadership of Jesus and make the church a source of help and hope, justice and compassion, education and dialogue in the Lyons and surrounding communities by sharing God’s love of neighbor, children, creation.

This is a time of change and revitalization for St. John’s and we invite you to join us on this comfort-busting, life-giving, spirit-growing, mind-opening journey of Christian faith as we work to create a just world for all! For more information visit: or visit: The United Church of Christ:


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December 24, 2021 6 PM




December 2021 – Online & Indoor Services

Join us each Sunday  at 10:30 AM for Worship Services!

Please wear a mask and social distance for indoor services!

See Virtual Worship for Recorded Online Services

All are welcome!


News and Views

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What’s Next after this Election?

October 25, 2020 Cook County COVID CASH Grants

“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” ~ Matthew 7:7 


Greetings beloved friends and members of St. John’s UCC!  

Today we received notification about a COVID Cash Relief Program for qualified Cook County residents. Please share this announcement immediately with individuals and families who may be in need during this time. Do NOT DELAY, applications are expected to open at 8 AM Monday and be exhaused by noon. 

Applications will be sent to us early next week- paper and electronic. Cash will be deposited to those that apply and are approved early. 

Partnering with the Family Independence Initiative, Cook County is launching the Cash Grant Assistance Program next week!  Before application, it is required to have the following documents ready, to determine if you eligible: 

  • One form of government issued identification that includes your current residential address or two alternative forms of identification 
  • Proof of your COVID-19 hardship due to unpaid leave, care for vulnerable or infected relatives, or loss of wages due to business or school closures. See acceptable documents here; 
  • Proof of household income meeting eligibility requirements. See below 
  • Bank information including account and routing number if you choose to direct deposit. You can typically find this on a check 

Suburban Cook County Fund Household Income Threshold  

# People in Household  Income Threshold 
1  $31,900 
2  $43,100 
3  $54,300 
4  $65,500 
5  $76,700 
6  $87,900 
7  $99,100 
8  $110,300 
  • $11,200 per additional family member 

Eligible families are at or below 250% of Federal Poverty Guideline  


Eligible Documents: Proof of Income  

  • Pay stub 
  • W2 and/or 1099 
  • Last year’s federal tax return 
  • Tax statements 
  • Unemployment benefits letter  

If there are any questions or further information needed, please feel free to contact me via phone:  708-447-0309 or email: [email protected]. As always, I can help you apply if needed!  Blessings to you in all ways!  

In Christ’s service,  

Pastor Kim 

Rev. Kimberlee Whisler-Vasko 


Outdoor ServiceS

I am excited to share the news of a service planned for once each month. This monthly outdoor service which is an prayer service where we will collectively gather in our vehicles on our church property, share some scripture, Holy Communion and be in a time of reflective prayer together.

An Outdoor Service is scheduled to be held on a Sunday in November 2020 @ 11 am in the church parking lot. There will be limited and appropriately distanced seating available if you are unable to attend in a vehicle. Masks and social distancing regulations will be honored for all.

In addition to our weekly service of worship on-line each Sunday, it is our hope and intention to provide a safe and meaningful way to gather and see one another face to face, while continuing to adhere to the necessary protocols to keep everyone as safe as possible.  When we host a monthly Sundays vespers service, we will not have the current online worship, but instead will record the vespers for those that cannot come in person.   

If there are any questions or further information needed, please feel free to contact me via phone:  708-447-0309 or email: [email protected].  I look forward to seeing your beautiful faces in ‘real-time’!   

-Pastor Kim


August 2, 2020 News ABOUT OuR REOPENING

Beloved St. John’s Community:

We pray this message finds all St. John’s members and their families doing well. We have been in thoughtful prayer and consideration as a Church Council as to how our community moves forward during this time.

We had previously communicated that we were working through a revised COVID-19 policy and a tentative plan for reopening at the end of July. The Council approved a revised policy at the Council meeting on Monday, July 13th, which you can find here ( While this policy was amended to reflect the current guidelines issued by the Illinois Conference of the UCC, the Illinois Department of Public Health, and the Center for Disease Control, our church Council has chosen not to move into the next stage of reopening at this time.

We are aware that this decision may be disappointing to some or a sigh of relief for others – perhaps a combination of each.  We want you to be aware that we have spent a great deal of time in both prayer and conversation in an effort to thoughtfully balance multiple challenges and restrictions when considering whether or not to reopen at this time. There are several reasons for this decision, the first and foremost being that worship services will not look the same or what we are used to as a church community. In addition, the percentage of positive tests have not decreased in Illinois at this time. This is a source of great concern for many members that are either vulnerable themselves or have family members that are. Upon polling our membership, we found very few who are willing to return to church out of concerns for their safety and the safety of their families, including members of Council. Lastly, there are significant concerns regarding liability and insurance restrictions that will continue to be a factor of consideration. 

In an effort to continue to meet the spiritual needs of our St. John’s community, we are introducing two new opportunities for gathering in an outdoor setting.


Pastor Kim Porch Visits: In an effort to meet the spiritual needs of congregation members, Pastor Kim offered to begin Porch Visits. You may reach her directly through the main church phone number to set up a time for her to visit you at your home outdoors.

Know that indeed, we are not alone, God remains in our midst. This remains a journey of challenges and adaptation for all of our churches across the nation.  You may find of interest, a recent webinar hosted by the UCC entitled “Phasing Forward.” It was a panel discussing different church’s experiences and considerations in how and when to return to in-person worship. You can find that webinar here.

At each monthly Council meeting, held on the second Monday of every month, we will continue to assess, adjust and adapt to providing worship in safe and meaningful ways for our entire church community. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Kim via email: [email protected] or phone, any member of Council or Council President Beth Johnson via email ([email protected]) or phone. We are open to your suggestions and feedback and we appreciate those that have taken us up on that opportunity to date.

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.  Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.”  ~ Jeremiah 29:11-12

St. John’s UCC Church Council


COVID-19 Updates From Pastor Kim

Beloved St. John’s Community:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:6-7
Our number one concern is the health and well-being –spiritually, physically and mentally – of the St. John’s community. Out of an abundance of love and caution, we have chosen to temporarily postpone worship services and gatherings at the church. The events we had scheduled for March will be postponed and scheduled for a later date. While in this present time there are calls for “physical” distancing, know that we will stay connected to one another as a church community.
I will work to share weekly messages in lieu of church service and along with Council members, will remain in contact during this time. When resources or updates are available, we will share those with you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time, as I am here for each of you and will be working diligently to explore new creative ways for us to “Be the Church” and continue in community with one another despite the challenges of our physical distance from one another. I can be reached at 708-447-0309 or email at kvasko (AT)
A favorite prayer of mine that you may have heard before from the great theologian (and Elmhurst College grad) Reinhold Niebuhr, feels particularly appropriate for this time –Let us pray together in spirit: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that God will make all things right if I surrender to God’s will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with our Creator forever in the next. ~ Amen.
Be well, Do good –Beloved, Love one another always,
Pastor Kim


Our Calendar Of Events

Our Lyons, Illinois Facility remains closed due to COVID-19 through at least May 1, 2021